
Former female professional tennis player Akiko Morikami


I came across Milagro AG about a year ago.

When I was an athlete, I almost never took supplements because I was afraid of getting a positive doping test, and I wondered if supplements really worked. I had some doubts about it, so I didn't take it.

Then, about a year ago, someone told me, ``I think it will greatly improve the quality of your sleep and make your body feel better, so I thought I was fooling myself and tried taking it.'' So I started taking it.

At first, I wondered if it was true, but as I continued using it, I found that my sleep became deeper and I felt refreshed when I woke up, even if I slept for a short amount of time.

When I was an athlete, I traveled a lot, and I had to overcome the time difference as soon as possible, so this is the number one supplement I wish I had discovered when I was an athlete! What's more, Milagro AG has been certified by Informed Sports, so even athletes can drink it with confidence!

Nowadays, I sometimes go overseas for commentary work, but with Milagro AG, I can quickly get used to the time difference and work without getting tired, so now it's an indispensable supplement for me!

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